One year of Covid-19: Facts and analyses

One year of Covid-19: Facts and analyses

THE world has been in a continuous state of emergency for more than a year. Many of us are engaged in heated debate about its justification and objectives. In the following article, I have compiled and analysed the essential medico-epidemiological data. The facts are...

Channeling Goebbels?

Channeling Goebbels?

In March 2020, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) was involved in the preparation of a 17-page strategy paper entitled How We Can Get COVID-19 Under Control. The paper can still be retrieved from the ministry’s official website. One essential focus of...

Covid Madness

Covid Madness

Perhaps we should consider it a privilege to live one of the absurdest and grotesquest episodes of recent world history. Perhaps we should consider it a privilege to witness how easily scientific and democratic control mechanisms can be overwhelmed by a global panic...

MHC will currently not accept any missions from companies or institutions which have COVID-19 projects in their portfolio, as scientifically interesting and valid as some of those projects may be. 
I see the political and societal reaction to this common cold or flu virus as one of the biggest mass hysterias of world history which I do not want to draw any personal benefit from.
Over the course of the last two years, I have written and published a number of articles on the subject:
Early on, a few postings on linkedin: