One year of Covid-19: Facts and analyses
THE world has been in a continuous state of emergency for more than a year. Many of us are engaged in heated debate about its justification and objectives. In the following article, I have compiled and analysed the essential medico-epidemiological data. The facts are...

Ein Jahr Covid-19: Ein Arzt wagt eine Bestandsaufnahme
Von Dr. med. Manfred Horst. Seit einem Jahr befindet sich die Welt im Ausnahmezustand. Um dessen Berechtigung und Zielsetzung führen wir alle heftige Diskussionen. Im Folgenden habe ich die meines Erachtens wichtigsten Fakten zur medizinisch-epidemiologischen...

Channeling Goebbels?
In March 2020, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) was involved in the preparation of a 17-page strategy paper entitled How We Can Get COVID-19 Under Control. The paper can still be retrieved from the ministry’s official website. One essential focus of...

Covid Madness
Perhaps we should consider it a privilege to live one of the absurdest and grotesquest episodes of recent world history. Perhaps we should consider it a privilege to witness how easily scientific and democratic control mechanisms can be overwhelmed by a global panic...

Covid-Mai für meine deutschen Kontakte

Non, nous ne sauvons pas de vies. Bien au contraire..