Übersterblichkeit? Finden Sie den Fehler!
Mit der Übersterblichkeit in den USA im Corona-Jahr 2020 wird oft die Notwendigkeit von Corona-Maßnahmen begründet. Aber ist es nicht eher wahrscheinlich, dass die Maßnahmen diese Übersterblichkeit erst verursacht haben? Von Dr. med. Manfred Horst. Der folgende Text...

Covid is Not a Specific Disease
When people say: “I had Covid,” what do they mean? They mean they had a positive test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Very often, they had no clinical symptoms whatsoever – they “had” asymptomatic Covid. They may have suffered from the well-known symptoms of a common cold...

Covid Vaccines Have Saved Millions of Lives…in Models
As more and more questions are being asked by more and more scientists, health professionals and journalists, the narrative of “safe and effective” Covid-19 vaccines is crumbling by the day, and scientific truth is slowly beginning to impose itself. The simple...

Scientific Conferences

Wie lange wollt Ihr unsere Geduld noch missbrauchen?
Ich bin sicher, dass sich einige einfache Wahrheiten über kurz oder lang gegen die quasi-religiösen Covid-Dogmen in der Wissenschaft durchsetzen werden. Lesen Sie hier, um welche es sich dabei handelt. Vorbemerkung: Auch wenn es eigentlich nicht korrekt ist,...

Vaccines have saved 20million lives? What rubbish
A MODELLING study from Imperial College London, recently published as a preprint (not peer-reviewed) in the Lancet, purports to demonstrate that the Covid vaccines saved up to 20million lives in 2021. The authors excluded China because of ‘its unique position...

A Common Sense Look at 20 million Saved Lives
A mathematical modeling study from London’s Imperial College, recently published as a preprint in The LANCET, purports to demonstrate that the COVID vaccines saved roughly 15 to 20 million lives in 2021. The authors excluded China from their model,...

Quo usque tandem abutere, Corona, patientia nostra?
N.B.: I use the term “Covid-19” as synonymous with “infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” as this is now more or less standard practice. It was originally meant to only designate the atypical pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 (“severe form”). As such a specific name...

Another Look at Covid Vaccine Studies
From the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the risk factors for severe forms and death from – or “with” – the respiratory virus called SARS-CoV-2 had been clearly identified: Advanced age, obesity, severe chronic comorbidities (other diseases, e.g. hypertension,...

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